Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Blog mentions, tape update and show date

A lack of updates has happened due to academic occupations for Evan and I, nevertheless, there are some things happening for us.

Most importantly- we have a show this Saturday! You should come. It's $5 and we are playing with Montreal's Womb Raider- featuring members of Vile Intent, Barnburner and ex-Black Ships. I'm really excited to see them play/eat vegan poutine with them.

Apart from that, we're at the mixing and mastering stage of our 5 song demo tape but it won't likely be ready for the show. Our pal Kayle was kind enough to record us, so hopefully that will be ready soon. We'll have some patches and maybe some buttons for sale at the show though. Rest assured that Morgan will think long and hard about whether the tape will be released in green or purple, and that it will be accompanied by a burrito recipe and a free mp3 download.

Blog mentions:

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bootlegs and show

We're playing Matt Cuthbert's show at the 460 Spadina venue on Oct 1st. Data Cave are no longer on the bill.

Also go here for a bootleg of Loathsome's August 14th Siesta Nouveaux show. You can download it. Thanks a zillion to Martin of VI for secretly recording us.

We're working on getting demo tapes/CDs/patches made for the Oct 1st show (hopefully in time..) and just finished recording/art-making for our 2 song contribution to the No Apathy! G20 comp. It's going to rule.

Skate or die.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


So Drew Johnston documents Toronto bands playing and was at our last show. The resulting footage is pretty rad and should be viewed.

Many thanks.

Monday, August 9, 2010

More Shows. Aug 10th, Aug 14th, Aug 21st.

We have 3 shows this month.

 Tues Aug 10th at 9pm.

Sat Aug 14th at 5pm (matinée)

... and Sat Aug 21st

We're also submitting a song called ACAB for inclusion in a G20 compilation and Morgan and I will be working on some art/words to accompany our music.


Friday, August 6, 2010

Very rough demo tracks + some lyrics

Our upcoming show flyer lists our band as "veganish powerviolenceish". Apart from sounding just plain wishy-washy, this is a pretty short-handed way to describe our band.


The answer- we don't know. We play slow. We play fast. 2 of us are straight edge, all of us are vegan, feminist, political, left-leaning, green-leaning. all of us love death metal, grind and sludge, 2 of us love crust, 2 of us are obsessed with powerviolence, 2 of us love The Cardigans, 1 of us loves German industrial...

All of us love tempeh, lettuce and tomato (TLT) sandwiches.

Anyway, go to our bandcamp profile to listen to some really rough demo tracks:

Some lyrics:

Fish in your tomatoes
Irradiated food
Don't feed me your modified trash
Monster-sized fruit that lacks real flavour
Horse-sized serviings for super-sized dudes
Don't put your modified trash in my bowl

I'll puke.

Rape aXe
I want to thank you Dr.Ehler for giving women vaginal teeth
Hooks embedded in rapists' dicks
to lower South African rates of rape.
Only removable surgically
but what of attacks on innocent men?
No more "fucked with a knife".

Rape aXe
Rape aXe

How do you like genitals that bleed?

Fuck Today
Fuck the 9-5 grind.
Fuck corporate exploitation. Fuck my life. How did I
end up here?
Chained to a desk.
If you're not part of the solution
You are part of the problem.
I'm part of the problem.
Fuck it.
I'm calling in sick x 6
Fuck my life x 2
How did I end up here x 2.
Fuck my life.

Friday, July 30, 2010